What really grinds my gears….

As one of my favorite characters says: what really grinds my gears is stupid people who cannot find the proper way of walking in crowded places. I mean, how hard can it be to actually project a trajectory and follow it, without bumping into other people and without caring that maybe…just maybe they are in a hurry!

Another thing the grinds my gears are the huge holes in our great city! No, this is NOT Venice and NO, we don’t need canals! I guess somebody forgot to tell them that.

Peter Griffin

And you know what else realy grinds my gears? Well, it’s a long list and it goes as follows:

– fat chicks in skinny pants (really, don’t torture our sight like that)

– people who take tones of pictures of themselves in the same god damn position (cameras should have an anti-stupidity shut down device); same goes for the ones who think it’s “cool” to modify one’s pictures by “adorning” them with pink stars and greenish tints (get a life!)

– idle conversation or telling life stories in public means of transportation (all we want is peace and quiet, we all have our dramas, spare us from yours!)

– people who listen to their music loudly in public (f#ck off and shove those headphones in your #ss!!!)

– people with laptops on trains (really now, is it that urgent that you cannot endure another moment without your trusty sidekick?jesus!)

– clothes with glitter applications and badges and other s#it like that

– people who blow their noses in public without using a handkerchief or a paper tissue (disgusting fellows!)

– people who use dumb, idiotic abreviations when writing messages (kids nowadays are mutants!)

– mall-culture…(no adittional words needed here)

– construction site workers (i would burn those motherf#ckers!!)

– greasy food

– dirty, melting, slushy snow

– taxi drivers (don’t even get me started on those)

– men who pluck their eyebrows to the extent of eradicating them and men who have thin, shaved and oily legs which they expose using short or medium length pants (hideous!!)…

The list could go on and on and on and on and on…Well, and on….I guess you’ve got the picture by now…Add whatever you like to it.

Thank you, Peter Griffin!

One Response

  1. ieppy
    Feb 22, 2008 - 05:04 PM

    huge holes???? really? cum naiba? parca se lucra in bucuresti… aaaaaaa, stai se puneau borduri ca sa creasca buzunarul lui videaunu… cum am putut uita…:))

    in rest, da-mi voie sa adaug la lista:

    – guys (sometimes chicks) who can only talk about money, cars and chicks(guys)… get a life, because there is more to it than just those 3 topics

    – motorcyclists who, beacuse they can’t ride their stupid motorcicles figure it’s ok to ride them at 2 o’clock in the morning when people are trying to sleep… fuck you all

    – Justin Timberlake, dude, you’re white, stop trying to be black… get over it already

    – people who think Budapest is the capital of Romania or that kangaroos are in Austria… buy an atlas and hit yourself over the head with it ’till you get it

    in the words of the great american governor:

    I’ll be back… with more. 😀


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