The final Prison Break

prison-break-the-final-breakWow….I can’t believe it’s over. 🙁 I’ve been watching Prison Break since I started going to the University and it’s been 3 years now. I just can’t believe I just saw the last episode. I know this might sound cheesy, but it was incredibly sad. It’s just unbelievable that Michael dies in the end. I guess there is never a happy ending. You can’t have everything.

Beyond the stories in this series, I always appreciated Prison Break as a metaphor of life: full of constant obstacles, challenging, hard. Still, we find in ourselves the power to overcome these obstacles and move forward, even in the hardest periods. Along the way, you lose some friends, you win some, you find love, you lose it and find it again. Life keeps on bringing surprises around the corner and you’re never sure what you’re going to get, but still you take the chance of finding out.

In the end, it’s about the chances you took and if you made the most out of them. And there can never be a trully happy ending. Because life is just like us, imperfect, faulty. Still, we should try to make the most of it.

Honestly, I found Prison Break inspiring and it was one of my favourite series ever. The actor were amazing and, for 3 years, they were a part of my life. Still, there is the sadness of an ending.

One Response

  1. hicham abbassi
    Sep 24, 2009 - 05:33 PM

    i love maichel and link


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