

After a day during which the world unfolded in front of my eyes in codes that I can’t understand, an artificial reality that seems pointless to me, I need to feel humanity next to me. I need to feel reality… and the piece of reality that I can feel best is You.

That’s why I need to hold you when I see You – to see that something still makes sense in this chaos we’re building around us.

That’s why I need to kiss you – to feel that there is still something sweet in this rasp and racking universe of steel.

That’s why I need to feel your weight on me when I feel that the weariness is overcoming me – to know that You are there, beside me.

That’s why I need to feel your breath on my skin all night long – to keep me from falling apart, to keep me alive and warm inside.

That’s why I need your soft kisses on my neck – to know that you’re pointing me firmly to the ground, while my dreamy head is flying towards the moon. 🙂

After all that we go through every day, You’re the one that raps me in humanity and makes love to me as if the existence of the entire world depended on it.

I couldn’t find a picture that fit my feeling today and I know why: because it’s not ours. But I found a song…and I bet You know what it is.



Intr-o zi am sa te duc printre nori la o margine de zori, acolo unde nu exista nici inceput si nici sfarsit, si o sa te desfac in bucatele mici si dulci. Apoi eu o sa ma sfaram de dorul tau si vantul o sa aranjeze piesele, iar soarele o sa le lipeasca pana ce vom iesi doar unul. Firele gandurilor mele se vor tese intr-ale tale si vei putea vedea tot ce gandesc. Tu vei deschide ochii si vei da nastere zilei, iar eu ii voi inchide pe ai mei, creand noaptea. Vom respira pentru doi, vom zambi de doua ori mai mult si ne vom bucura indoit. Lumea intreaga se va naste sub saruturile noastre: linistita, senina, calda.

Intotdeauna simtim nevoia de un nou inceput. Avem nevoie sa lasam totul in urma, sa ne spalam de greselile trecutului (din care am invatat) si sa ne daruim din nou, stiind ca avem si mai multe motive sa o facem. Nu vom lasa in urma insa momentele frumoase, care ne-au facut sa fim ce suntem astazi! La ele ma gandesc acum, cand imi doresc sa inmultesc la nesfarsit aceste momente, cand vreau sa ofer tot ce am mai bun, pentru ca stiu ca pot si vreau.

Am inceput sa-mi sterg norii de pe frunte si sa-mi inseninez sufletul, dar nu as fi putut sa fac asta fara TINE!love_by_drart.jpg Inca nu pot sa te duc pe nori, insa cerul inimii mele te asteapta cu cele mai frumoase rasarituri si apusuri pe care sa le traim impreuna…