Armin Only@Arenele Romane, Bucharest 28.06.2008 – IMAGINE

One of the most intense experiences of my life: Armin Only@Arenele Romane, Bucharest 28.06.2008 – IMAGINE Tour! The best music I’ve ever heard and the most passionate I’ve ever been about music, on a night in which the sky gates opened and released themselves. We did the same. A surreal musical experience, brought by the best dj in the world: Armin van Buuren.

We barely entered the arena, when it started raining. Or, should I say, pouring! It kept going for 3 whole hours! But that didn’t stop the music. We waited for Armin, soaking wet, dancing and feeling music run through our veins, rather than blood! I cannot explain how fantastic it was! It’s one thing to see actors dance in the rain in movies and videos, but it’s a completely different experience to feel it on your own. We were ecstatic!

Armin kept us waiting and we virtually climaxed when he made his grand appearance! The crowd was not scattered by the rain and Armin bowed before us, thanking us for our devotion. But how could we do otherwise, when he gave us such a great time! I loved Eller’s guitar! It’s so intense it made me shiver more than the rain! 😀

I could only stay for a couple of hours, because I had started to shiver and I was afraid I might get pneumonia. Armin mixed until 6:30 in the morning and didn’t let us down. We danced to stop the rain and, eventually, it stopped. The show went on and was wonderful! I can’t wait for the next time!



Armin van Buuren – Imagine

Unele lucruri sunt frumoase. Unele lucruri sunt emotionante. Unele lucruri sunt uimitoare. Si exista lucruri ce aduna toate aceste trasaturi.

E tipit pentru mine sa ma fixez pe o anumita piesa/album si sa o/il ascult pana la epuizare (desi, de obicei, revin la acea piesa/acel album dupa ceva vreme). Recent, I’ve fallen head over heels for Armin – Imagine.

Unele lucruri sunt greu de explicat. Asa si modul in care intro-ul concertului imi face pielea gaina… Cred ca, dintre toate pasiunile mele, nu e nimic mai legat de fiinta mea decat muzica. Acea muzica ce e capabila sa transcrie emotiile mele in note si ritmuri unice. Armin e unul dintre artistii care reusesc asta (bine, ATB e #1 for ever pentru mine! 🙂 ), iar concertul de la Utrecht a fost unul dintre cele mai frumoase pe care le-am vazut. Abia astept sa traiesc aceeasi astmosfera pe 28 iunie, la Bucuresti! Albumul se anunta unul incredibil, insa nimic nu se compara cu energia si starea de euforie de la concertele celui mai bun dj din lume! Acordurile de chitara se imbina perfect cu ritmul unui gen de muzica ce traduce libertatea in cel mai frumos limbaj: muzica! Personal, abia astept sa ajunga albumul si pe rafturile din Romania si sa ma duc sa-l pun pe repeat! 😀
