ICWiP 2008 – Plin de surprize :)

Once upon a time there was the 2008 ICWiP, where knights and princes from all over the world came to a great feast, that went on for 10 whole days. There were trials and adventures, there was romance, there were battles between Heaven and Hell, but everyone lived happily ever after. Cine a fost stie…iar cine nu, o sa povestesc acum. 🙂 A fost frumos, a fost intens, a fost plin de zambete, dans si petreceri continue. A fost un dute-vino continuu, dupa care am ramas cu oboseala placuta si dorindu-mi mai mult.

A inceput pe 17 iulie, cu un drum lung, de vreo 1000 si ceva de kilometri, inceput in miezul noptii si terminat a doua zi pe la 6 dupa-amiaza. citeste mai departe →