Diane Pernet – the philosophy

For those who don’t know, Diane Pernet is more than a woman, more than fashion, more than a lifestyle: she is a philosophy! I had the wonderful chance to meet her when she was in Romania at the beginning of the month,  invited by the Business Chance for Art NGO. Diane traveled to our country in search for talent and brilliant people, an element that is part of her constant quest for beauty and incredible people.

Thank you again Andreea Tănăsescu, for giving me that opportunity! You are a great friend to have. And thank you for the photos, which are absolutely wonderful!

I listened to Diane as she talked about her experience here, in Romania, in front of a couples of young designers and fashion lovers at the Center for visual introspection in Bucharest. She told stories about all the things that caught her eye here, in Romania and then she answered questions from the audience, since everyone there was eager to get a glimpse of her perspective on fashion and life in general.

Diane Pernet struck me as a wonderfully open woman, with a fantastic charm. She puts a spell on anyone who meets her. Although she spoke in a low voice, her passion for fashion and her quest for talent shone through very brightly. No detail can escape her sight and she perceives people in a way that very few individuals do. Diane said that talent will always be appreciated, because it stands out. But it also need to be cultivated and accompanied by hard work.

“Talent and persistence will shine!”

Diane Pernet has a very good understanding of the possibilities created by the online environment. She believes that there is no excuse for young designers not to promote their work, when creating a website and publicizing your work throughout social media is no longer expensive. Her speech focused on the need to create a strong identity, as a designer, that involves more than just your work. Vision is the element that sets you apart and vision is based upon a strong perspective on whatever you work on and a clear set of goals to achieve.

She gave the young designers a piece of advice: send out creative invitations, use e-commerce, pop-up shops and blogs. The new concept she’s trying to develop is making short fashion films, which are accessible and can be a great tool for promotion. In her own words, “an intelligent investor doesn’t expect an immediate return.”, but you need to have a message to send out there. Because sometimes the only difference between a designer and a beginner in this field is the amount of resources involved. “If you’re just mediocre, no one’s going to invest in you.”, Diane says.

You need to have a combination of talent and personality (tenacity+chemistry), which are the main elements for success in any business you might start. And Diane Pernet is a great example for that. She is inspiring and full of incredible stories and I wish there were more like her.

Officially announced: I’m Head of the Involvement Department at RevvNation.com!

Officially announced: I am now Head of the Involvement Department at RevvNation.com! I am very proud to work with my personal online guru, Bobby Voicu, his cousin, Vlad Bălan, with Ciops and Marius. They’re the best colleagues in the world and this job is the best I could imagine, with my love for cars and all! No need to say how enthusiastic I am about this and how eager I am to work in this field. I never imagined that I’d work in gaming, but cars and online it the perfect combination for me. This is the recipe for succes!

Bobby wrote about Christmas Rush, our gift to the RevvNation players for these holidays. Make sure you get your invite for the game, as we’re still in beta testing. You shouldn’t miss out on the special discounts. 😉

Thanks for all your support and stay tuned, because we have more goodies planned out! 😀

And this is how you drive, RevvNation style! (Don’t try this in real life. You’re not Ken Block. 😛 )


This is only the beginning

I always believed that I was born to do something great. It’s not lack of modesty, I’ve just always felt that I was destined (somehow, although I don’t believe in destiny) to change something in the world, to leave a mark. I’m writing about this, because I believe that I have found that thing. I was planning to write about something entirely different, but this was something I needed to share.

I’m one of the lucky ones, I guess, although I don’t believe in luck either. I do believe that we forge our own destinies and we can achieve truly great things through hard work and consistency. But most of all, it’s about the people around us. They inspire and motivate us to unleash our full potential. I’ve met some of these individuals and I’m blessed to have done so! I cannot emphasize enough the importance of working with persons that are wise, creative and just plain fantastic. Along with these people I’ve found out what the major projects of my life will be.

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ARCA – despre misiunea a 3-a

Sâmbătă, 14 nov., a fost o zi mare pentru cei de la ARCA: era planificată lansarea rachetei suborbitale Helen. Din păcate, din cauza unor circumstanţe, despre care voi vorbi mai jos, procedura de lansare nu a putut fi dusă până la capăt. Cu toate acestea, ziua mea de naştere a fost marcată de acest eveniment, care m-a emoţionat şi continuă să mă inspire în fiecare zi!

Duminică seara am fost invitată de către Andreea Tănăsescu la conferinţa de presă organizată de cei de la ARCA pentru a comunica rezultatele celei de-a treia misiuni întreprinse. Emoţiile au fost foarte mari, iar bucuria pe măsură, fiindcă aveam să cunosc oamenii pe care îi admir de ceva timp…

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