I don’t like people who always make great plans and never come to accomplish them. I see great potential in those around me, but most of them don’t acknowledge the power they have to change their surroundings and themselves. I’m sure even you have told yourself at a certain point that “tomorrow I’m going to start doing…” something. I’ve said it too, no doubt about it. But I’ve noticed that just saying isn’t as effective as doing it. So stop starting and just act. Do it. Maybe even plans aside. Sometimes, the best way to provoke your thoughts is to act and build your strategy along the way. Planning won’t get you through everything. Overthinking won’t help either, because it will surely get in the way. I’ve been there and I know it. A rational analysis is necessary, but it’s useless unless you act accordingly.
So stop procrastinating, which is one of the things I hate the most and try to avoid as much as possible. Don’t get in your own way and don’t wait. Time can’t be borrowed.