101…and they keep on rollin’!
Happy anniversary to me! 😀 This is post number 101 and I have to say that I barely realized today that I had written 100 posts. To some it may not be be a big deal, but for me it’s important because I’ve put a lot of heart into this blog (as you can surely see from the posts). 🙂
Looking back, I can see now that I’ve evolved a lot over the past year. It all started as a way for me to practice my writing for my future career and it ended up by being a way to keep my friends up to date with what I’ve been doing lately and a way to cast a personal perspective into the open sphere of the internet. It was never intended to be a business or anything of a financial sort. Opening up to the blogosphere helped me be a better analyst of the ongoing events and enriched my knowledge. I’ve come across blogs that I keep really close to my heart, because they are written from the heart.
I’m not a big blogging success. All I want is for the people who read my words to see me as an honest mirror of the things I see around me. The proof is that my most successful post until now has been the one about Greece, wich, I believe, trully showed just how deep that country put its spell on me!
I hope to be here for the years to come and be able to put a smile on your face or make you think about things from a different perspective. 🙂
A big “Thank you !” to the people who support me! This post is for you!